Happy Birthday Mummy, Love ya!
Photos will do the talking.
22/11/08 Saturday
CCA open house in the mornings. Nothing much. Sharon & me was busy helping mr ong. This & that. Didnt have the chance to look at the primary school kids play volley. I bet they are gonne be cute!
Well, Qifa pri girls & guys are good volleyball players.
Afterthat, went to val's house to celebrate her birthday. The first thing we did was mahjong. Lol.
Currently, all the photos in sijing's camera. Will get it from her asap.
Didnt have the time to blog & update photos. Cause i was at my cousin's house.
Shawn gg korea on the 25th! Cool right.
Went his house, helped him to pack his luggage. Sweaters, winter jacket, socks, clothes & everything.
Even acc him to buy stuffs for his korea trip today. Talked & crap alot, Like we usually do.
Shawn's friend came to join us later on, nicholas & another friend. I forgot her name already. Hahaa. They are really funny people, just like shawn. Shawn always makes me laugh. Seriously cant stand him lahhhhh. Irritating, always make me stomach cramp. Lol.
All of them acc me to the bus stop then went off.
Ohya, & shawn dyed his hair. Looks kinda different now.
Had swensens ice cream for dinner.
Im excited about my cousin's chalet already.
Cycling in the night, Mahjong sleepover, swimming party with the adults, wii sleepover, games & activities & everything mans. :D
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